The school provides a curriculum that is broad and ambitious for all pupils.   Leaders have structured learning to make sure that pupils in mixed-age classes achieve well.    Ofsted 2023

Attendance FAQs

What is a session?

A school day is made up of 2 sessions, one morning and one afternoon. Each school week is equal to 10 sessions
I have received a letter or been invited to a meeting about attendance, should I be worried?
No, any communication received from the school is designed to keep you updated with your child's attendance level and, where there appears to be an increase in absences, to see what we can do to help you and your child to ensure they are coming to school regularly and on time. We ask that parents work with us so that any issues can be resolved as quickly as possible, without the need for further escalation.
My child is genuinely ill, should I still send them to school?
If your child is genuinely ill, we do not expect them to be in school. However, if they are well enough to play/run around at home, they are well enough to come to school!
Can I be issued a penalty notice for absence other than holiday?
Yes, you can be issued a penalty notice for persistent lateness and/or persistent irregular attendance as well as for term time holidays
My child needs to be given medicine, what should I do?
We are able to administer medication to children in school if it is required during the school day. Please obtain the relevant forms from the office.
What sort of evidence do I need to provide?
If your child has missed 20 or more sessions then you may be invited to provide evidence for subsequent absences. Failure to do this may result in the absences being marked as unauthorised. The evidence that we require will be along the lines of appointment cards or a note from the Dr saying that they have seen your child or spoken to you about them, a copy of a prescription, prescribed medicine being administered in school or sight of a text message from the surgery confirming an appointment.
What's the difference between Authorised and Unauthorised absence?
Authorised Absence is an absence that has been agreed by the school in advance, or justified after, for a pupil of compulsory school age. Unauthorised Absence is an absence for which the school has not been provided with a reason, or for which the reason provided is unsatisfactory.
If you have any other questions or concerns, then please do not hesitate to contact us, we are here to help and support you in any way that we can.