The school provides a curriculum that is broad and ambitious for all pupils.   Leaders have structured learning to make sure that pupils in mixed-age classes achieve well.    Ofsted 2023

Welcome to our school website. We hope that it will give you some idea of who we are and what makes our school so very unique. 

Ilsington C of E Primary School is a small rural school nestling in the Devon countryside on the edge of Dartmoor and at the heart of Ilsington's  village community. We have an integrated pre-school with trained early years practitioners working alongside our primary classes ensuring the highest standard of transition as our children reach primary age. 

Ilsington has a long history of providing a warm, caring, and creative environment where all children are welcome and where they are encouraged to be independent, active learners. Our school’s culture is firmly rooted in it’s Christian values of Friendship, Kindness, Honesty, Resilience, Respect and Compassion. These values are underpinned by our belief that all children are loved by God.

We are a part of Link Academy Trust and benefit from being a part of a multi-academy trust which understands small, rural schools and which encourages our school's own unique character. 

If you want to find out more about us, have a look through the information we provide on this website and if you would like to visit us then please do get in touch. 

Kat Williams

Academy Head 
01364 661208 
Ofsted Summer 2023
At Ilsington Church of England Primary School, pupils develop ‘big hearts and big ideas’. They enjoy learning at this small school, where staff carefully consider the curriculum to meet the needs of learners. Consequently, they achieve well.