The school provides a curriculum that is broad and ambitious for all pupils.   Leaders have structured learning to make sure that pupils in mixed-age classes achieve well.    Ofsted 2023



Science at Ilsington


During 2022 the school spent time unpacking its science curriculum and further adapting and improving it in line with curriculum research. Having already made the decision to teach Science in weekly two- hour blocks rather than mixing it into topic planning, the school has continued to reflect on its science teaching, using the PLAN Science resources online at 


 Teachers take time to consider how 'substantive' knowledge, which is knowledge of the products of science, such as models, laws and theories and 'disciplinary knowledge', the knowledge of the practices of science. can be best shared with pupils as they move up through the school. The school’s curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before, and towards those defined end points. As the school has been organised into Foundation, key stage one, lower key stage two (years 3/4) and upper key stage two (years 5/6), the curriculum is planned as a two year rolling programme.


 Science is planned to enable seasonal change and the lifecycle of plants/ living things to be taught in meaningful way and the school's outdoor learning environment is also being developed to allow a richer learning experience for children. A sensory garden designed and planted by the children to attract pollinators, was established in 2021/22 and a second phase of planting began in autumn 2022 with fruit bushes, compost bays and a large bug hotel all being added to the site.

What do the pupils think about their Science learning at Ilsington Primary? 
I really enjoyed where Mrs McCarthy said we had to be creative and to explain and try to prove our learning objective and we decided to act out the heliocentric system. We dressed up in costumes and the strings were the sun's gravity. We had to explain our understanding to the school.   Pip year 6
 I really enjoyed doing an experiment to see which foods grew mould the quickest and used a recorded PowerPoint to share the information and to record our findings.  William year 6
Starting from the earliest years in our school, we aim to ignite children’s curiosity and passion and to encourage their questioning and independence. 

At Ilsington we use digital technology to provide children with creative, effective methods of recording their investigations and they are confident in using recorded PowerPoints and videos to this effect.


In our school, children’s questions are always welcomed, and they are given the opportunity to explore new ideas as well as test them. Curiosity is celebrated within the classroom and when we assess their prior knowledge, we also seek to record their questions and ideas for investigations. Opportunities for children to meet the full range of scientific investigative approaches entail pattern seeking, questioning, exploring, problem solving, fair testing and analysing secondary resources. Working scientifically, investigations and meaningful outcomes are fully incorporated in each block. The progression and content of the rolling programmes have been planned to ensure children study a balance of science content each year, building on prior learning. We encourage reflection and pupil voice in our science planning and teaching and are developing a range of very practical, creative and engaging lessons which stimulate the children’s enthusiasm for science and encourage their interest in the subject. 

Knowledge Organisers 

At Ilsington CE Primary, we have been developing the use of knowledge organisers  Knowledge organisers are shared with children to help them to gain and retain some of the key vocabulary, facts and diagrams that will support the children’s learning. They are shared with children at the beginning a new scheme of work, such as Space and each child has a copy in their book. Knowledge organisers don’t contain everything that the children will learn but provide an easy source of reference and help them to build knowledge.

Moving forwards we will be sharing knowledge organisers with our families too to enable them to better support their children's learning.


The Curriculum: Gallimaufry to Coherence: Mary Myatt