Dear Lord,
Thank you for blessing us with our small school.
We have big hearts filled with love and laughter.
We have glorious ideas which light up the world.
We have a big picture with no frame.
Help us to treat each other with respect, kindness and compassion.
Help us to be honest and resilient in everything we do.
Let us show good friendship to each other and let everything be done in love.
In Jesus’ name,
Each day children and staff partake in acts of Collective Worship that are Christian in character.
We worship weekly in our beautiful church with Reverend John, as well as celebrating key festivals such as harvest, Easter and Christmas with our parents and local community.
Our Christian Values
Each half term, we focus on a different Christian Value, explicitly through our collective worship time, but also through our curriculum. Children have regular opportunities to reflect on each value and to develop an understanding of the value in action.
Friendship, Kindness, Honesty, Resilience, Respect & Compassion.
Our school’s Christian values are underpinned by the knowledge that all children are loved equally by God a belief in the need for equity for all.
Our Values
Ilsington School is situated within the Dartmoor National Park, about two miles from Haytor Rocks. Ilsington itself is a picturesque rural village and the parish is the second largest in Devon. In such a setting the children are encouraged to enjoy and respect their environment and we take every opportunity to involve them in educational activities concerning their local area.
Our village school forms an important part of the local community, and benefits from these close links, for example as regular users of the village hall, playing fields and parish church. We have a strong ethos of self-fulfilment for pupils at our school and work closely with parents to achieve this. Ilsington Primary School is a Church of England Primary School, and although Christian values are built into our ethos and teaching, all children are welcome what ever their family beliefs. At Ilsington we endeavor to provide all children with a safe and secure environment that sets high standards and encourages children to work to their potential.
The key feature of our school is the caring family atmosphere, through which we offer praise, encouragement arid support when things are going well, and forgiveness, reconciliation and guidance when mistakes are made. As well as providing a broad and balanced curriculum we encourage children to develop in many ways. We strive to nurture their talents and to equip them with the skills they will need throughout life.
As education moves forward those involved in it are constantly faced with exciting new challenges and demands, central to all of them, however, must be the child - your child. Parents at Ilsington are invited to form a partnership with the school to support and guide their child’s learning process.
To achieve this, good communication between home and school is essential and actively encouraged. Parents are encouraged to help in school through a wide range of activities including the Friends of Ilsington School, who meet regularly and carry out many fund raising activities to provide necessary extras for the school.